Today JavaScript is the language of the web. On the client, on the server, on the mobile, everywhere. But let's face it: JavaScript still has challenges
This course will teach you the AngularJS fundamentals and the internal. The course will cover directives, binding, filters, ngRepeat, testing, isolate scopes and much more, with real-world examples. ng-course, the best course in Israel.
JavaScript fundamentals
- Scope & Function Context
- Closures
- this keyword
- Object-Oriented in JavaScript
- Async and Parallel in JavaScript
- JavaScript Design Pattern
What are Web Applications?
- The Challenge with Web Apps (SPA)
- SPA or Web App's?
- To bind or not to bind? this is the question
- MVC or MVVM Frameworks
- Why AngularJS?
AngularJS Building Blocks for Building SPA
- Template & live data binding ( Directives & $scope )
- Model, View & Controller (MVC)
- Dependency Injection ( AngularJS services )
- Modules
- LAB : TV Show SPA
Forms in AngularJS
- ng-model directive
- ngModelController & FormController
- Custom Validation
- Input directive
AngularJS Filters
- Filter Syntax
- nAngularJS Filters
- Custom filters
- $.Ajax vs. $http
- $resource
- Promises ($q) vs. Calbacks
- Offline / Online
- LAB: Full TV Show Web App
AngularJS Internal
- AngularJS Startup Process
- AngularJS Runtime
- Scope API ($id, $watch & $apply )
- Scope Communication
- Template Services
- Modules
- Caching
- $provide service
- Routing
Custom Directive
- Template
- Scope
- Compile function
- Link function
- Controller
- Transclude
- Animation
- Tips & tricks
Routing and Navigation
- $location service
- ng-view directive
- $route service and route object
- Navigation flow
- Routing broadcasted events
- Resolve option and promise
- Cancelling route changes
AngularJS Testing
- Unit Testing (Jasmine.js)
- AngulrJS Mock API's (ngMock)
- Unit Testing Tools
- E2E Testing
- ngMockE2E - $httpBackend
- Protractor
AngularJS Animation
- CSS3-enabled Animations
- Directive That Support Animation
- JavaScript-enabled Animations
- Using Animations in your own directives
AngularJS Tips & Tricks
- Optimization & Performance
- Debugging
- Localization
- Mobile
- AngularJS External Module